The Robert Burns Association of North America mailing address:
610 – 54th Avenue SW
Calgary, AB
RBANA is an association dedicated to the preservation and appreciation of the life, works and philosophy of Scotland’s National Bard – Robert Burns, and to promote Scottish culture and heritage in North America. The genesis for the Association came from a meeting in 1981 of representatives from six Burns Clubs, in Annapolis, Maryland. A committee was formed to further explore their ideas. In 1982 at a meeting in Hamilton, Ontario a constitution was drawn up. The name “The North American Association of Federated Burnsians” was adopted.
At the 2000 Annual General Meeting in London, Ontario the name ” The Robert Burns Association of North America ” (RBANA) was adopted. RBANA is affiliated with the Robert Burns World Federation Limited, in Kilmarnock, Scotland.
Alternating between Canada and the United States the RBANA Conference and Annual General Meeting are held each year, usually in April or May.
Conferences have been held in:-
Halifax, NS (2006), Winnipeg, MB (2007 & 2011), Houston, TX, on a cruise ship (2008), Mississauga, ON (2009), Detroit, MI (2010), Williamsburg, VA (2012), Niagara Falls, ON (2013), Columbia, SC, in conjunction with the University of South Carolina (2014), Calgary AB (2015), Dallas – Ft Worth, TX (2016), Medicine Hat, AB (2017), Philadelphia, PA (2018), Niagara Falls, ON (2019) and Calgary AB (2023).
The business of the Association is conducted by a Board of Directors comprised of an Executive Committee, the Immediate Past President and six Regional Directors. The Executive Committee consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer who are elected at the Annual General Meeting for a two-year term. The six Regional Directors, are appointed by the Executive Committee for a two year-term, three representing the United States, and three representing Canada.
The 2022-2024 Board of Directors are:
President – Paul Kennedy
Vice-President – Mark Ferguson
Past President/Interim Secretary – Henry Cairney
Treasurer – Jamie Osborne
Canadian Directors – Brian Cumming, Charles H. Cameron, Ken Montgomery
USA Directors – Bill Fulton, George McClellan, Phyl Smith
Other RBANA positions:
Tattler Editor/Publisher – Colin Harris
Interim Webmaster – Henry Cairney
Our 2024 Conference & AGM will be hosted by the South Jersey Celtic Society in Mount Holly USA from May 3rd – 5th, 2024. The details and link to the registration form can be found by clicking on “CONFERENCES” in the drop down menu under the “EVENTS” tab above.
Please find the most recent Autumn 2023 Edition – The Tattler
The 2020 Robert Burns Association of North America annual AGM to be held in Atlanta, GA, has been cancelled due to the Coronavirus-19 pandemic.
Please access the link above to access the most recent publication of the Tattler to read more about the conference cancellation and the points/issues that were intended to be brought up, discussed and voted on.
About our Website
This Website is set up to inform our members and visitors about what is taking place in the world of Burns lovers, both in North America and internationally.
We report on Association and Club activities and also on interesting news items.
The site also provides links to international websites providing access to information about Robert Burns Life, access to his works on-line and resource material for research.
The member clubs are identified and anyone interested in connecting with these can request information.
Individuals are also welcome as members of RBANA, and a membership application form is available on the membership page.
The Association Newsletter “The Tattler” is also available for download.
The Robert Burns Association of North America has a zero-tolerance policy regarding abuse. We are committed to preventing and addressing mistreatment or abuse by any member, associate, volunteer, or program participant. Any such behavior will result in appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination of membership or volunteer service. Additionally, we cooperate fully with law enforcement authorities in addressing these issues.
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